Logistics management and administration are crucial to our national security strategy. As long as our Armed Forces continue to be committed around the globe, the Navy's ability to deploy and sustain them will remain a top priority. Unique logistic capabilities in the most efficient manner possible must continue. Limited resources dictate that the Services must adjust the size of their inventories to take advantage of improved business practices and information technology. Doing this reduces storage and handling costs while improving overall responsiveness and force readiness. As logistics migrate from a supply-based to a distribution-based system, it is vitally important that we capitalize on new and developing technologies to enhance responsiveness, visibility, and access to logistic resources. Thorough planning and comprehensive personnel management enables commanders to identify and allocate forces to achieve national security objectives.
MRP Training Solutions instructs and maintains six courses at NTTC Meridian, Mississippi and JCOE Fort Lee, Virginia. The courses were developed under the NETC Course Development, Revision, and Modification End-to End (E2E) Process and continue to be improved. These courses teach entry-level personnel the basics of personnel administration, human resource management, organization administration, logistics management, retail operations, and culinary arts.
The Navy's Administration and Logistics courses that are maintained and taught by MRP Training Solutions are:
Yeoman (YN) "A": A-510-0012
The Yeoman (YN) “A” school course provides enlisted naval personnel with basic job entry level skills including: customer service and office procedures, introduction to, usage of, and maintenance of Navy publications and technical manuals, introduction to computer literacy and application of various computer programs, proofreading, and mailing of Naval correspondence including the standard letter and classified standard letter. In short, this course teaches Navy personnel the skills required to competently work in a Navy office environment.
Yeoman (YN) "C" (Flagwriter): A-511-0015
The Yeoman (YN) “C” school course provides top-performing Naval personnel in the Yeoman rating with extensive training in Flag Office administration and management to qualify for duty on the personal allowance of Flag Officers, General Officers, and Senior Executive Service personnel at sea and shore.
Personnel Specialist (PS) "A": A-500-0018
The Personnel Specialist (PS) “A” school course provides Naval enlisted personnel with organized and intensive training that enables them to perform job entry-level tasks equivalent to that required of a Personnel Specialist. The course provides training on customer service, pay and personnel references, electronic service record maintenance, pay and allowances, pay transactions, computing taxes, personnel transactions, processing PCS travel, computing creditable service, reenlistments, extensions and separations.
Logistics Specialist (LS) "A": A-555-1015:
The Logistics Specialist (LS) course provides enlisted personnel in pay grades E-1 to E-3, fleet returnees, Military Sealift Command (MSC), foreign nationals, and other personnel with the basic knowledge and skills training to perform as Logistics Specialists. It provides a basic understanding of functions within the Naval supply system including: customer service relations, correspondence, use of logistics forms and applications, material identification, MILSTRIP procedures and warehouse storage.
Ship's Serviceman (SH) "A": A-823-0012
The Ship’s Serviceman (SH) “A” school course provides a course of instruction to Naval personnel who have recently graduated from recruit training centers and selected fleet Sailors that will prepare them to adequately perform in the Ship's Serviceman rating under supervision. The course provides training on customer service, standards of conduct, sanitation, security, introduction to procurement, receipt and custody of ship store stock, stowage of merchandise, breakout of merchandise to various retail outlets, introduction to expenditures, ship's store and vending machine operations, cash fund handling, inventory of merchandise, and laundry processing and administration.
Culinary Specialist (CS) "A": A-800-0013
The Culinary Specialist (CS) “A” school course provides Naval personnel with initial food service training. The major emphasis of this course is placed on the use of the Armed Forces Recipe Service and includes recipe conversion, food service organization, Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program, nutrition, cooking, baking, and customer service skills.This course is taught at the Joint Center of Excellence, Ft. Lee, Virginia.